Why Christmas Trees are a Symbol of Joy and Hope
For many people who don’t enjoy the holidays, a lot of the reason for this is that they do not take the time to set up their home for the holidays. However, if you do take the time to put up a Christmas tree, you will find that it can greatly brighten your mood. Studies have shown that even if you are not celebrating with the entire family or with friends, that going home with a Christmas tree in your home can still help you to smile when you think of Christmas.
The joy that a Christmas tree can bring to your home is something that is hard to put into words. After all, is it the tree that brings the joy? Not really. While many artificial trees are beautiful in their own right, it is not the tree that brings the joy. It is what the tree symbolizes for many people that helps them to be in the Christmas mood.
From a Christianity standpoint, the tree is meant to represent the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The branches are regarded as a sign of immortality, and they are often thought to represent the thorns that Jesus wore while dying on the cross for the sins of mankind.
The Greeks and even the Celtic people viewed the tree as sacred. They would furnish these with what we would call today ornaments on the tree, and place gifts under the tree as a gift for the deities in which they worshiped.

Tips for Decorating Your Christmas Tree
Germans are credited with being the first people to start decorating the interior of their homes with Christmas trees meant to symbolize Christ and Christmas in general.
As you can see, the Christmas tree can actually bring a lot of joy to a home based on the history and meaning of the tree alone. However, if you are looking at the joy that the tree can bring on a more personal level, you will find the reason that most people put up a tree.
Think back to when you were younger and the excitement that you had when you would wake up on Christmas morning and run to the tree. All the gifts from Santa were under the tree, and you hoped that Santa received your letter and got you what you asked for.
Once you were done with opening presents, chances are you had some traditions that may have not meant much then, but mean more now. Whether this was a special Christmas breakfast, nibbling on cookies that someone had made or the like. When you put up a Christmas tree in your home, you are invoking these memories.
Visuals and smells are two of the main components that can help to evoke memories for many people. For this reason, if you are feeling a bit down this Christmas, then it is time to make sure that you add some joy into your home by putting up your own tree — no matter the size or how elaborate your decorate this.